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The ¶¶Òõ´«Ã½ Alumni Online Community welcomes all past students, plus current and former staff from ¶¶Òõ´«Ã½, Hollywood Senior High School and Swanbourne Senior High School. By joining the relevant Alumni Online Community, you will benefit from a range of opportunities to engage with fellow alumni, share memories, network, and help contribute to the success of our current students via the Business Directory. The hope is to maintain the great traditions of all three schools. We look forward to you being a part of this vibrant community.

To join your community please click on the relevant link below.

For any queries please contact our Alumni Manager, Meredith Eddington on Ìý²õ³ó±ð²Ô³Ù´Ç²Ô.³¦´Ç±ô.²¹±ô³Ü³¾²Ô¾±°ª±ð»å³Ü³¦²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô.·É²¹.±ð»å³Ü.²¹³Ü

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